
New Website

Check out the new website at:

Ban Bossy. Encourage Girls to Lead http:

Ban Bossy.

Encourage Girls to Lead

The secret of body language

The secret of body language

Amy Cuddy: Your body language shapes who you are | Talk Video | TED

Long past the English class

Long past the English class of required reading, the legacy of Jane Austen continues to impact… so before you hit “post” or “send request,” ask yourself:

What Would Jane Austen Do? A Guide to Social Media Etiquette |

The combined perspective of engaged men

The combined perspective of engaged men and women in the workforce goes right to the bottom line! The Business Benefits of Gender Diversity

Advice by poetry.

Poetry Advice by Dan Gerber : American Life in Poetry

A memoir to remember.

A memoir essay about a brother, a game, and remembering — from THE BEST AMERICAN ESSAYS 2013. Eloquently done!

His Last Game // News // Notre Dame Magazine // University of Notre Dame

It’s not about the scale.

This video reminds us to concentrate on what’s more important — eating good food, staying active, controlling stress and finding meaning. It’s not about the scale.

Sandra Aamodt: Why dieting doesn’t usually work | Video on


Happy Birthday, Tracy

Eskimo Legend

I was feeling a little blue this week, and then I realized it would have been Tracy’s birthday. I miss her.

Poetry Conference

I attended the Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets’ spring conference for the first time. An organization begun in the 1950’s by a very dedicated group of poets.

We honored a member with a lifetime membership (she’d been a member for 41 years!) — Fran, a scrappy, floss-haired dame who kept shouting “Keep it moving” during Open Mic.

We heard from special guest B.J. Best (great name!) who seriously looked like a nerdy kid but in actual fact is a very talented poet AND a Professor of English at my alma mater (go figure).

His most recent book of poetry is BUT OUR PRINCESS IS IN ANOTHER CASTLE, a book of prose poems inspired by video games. Here’s one everyone might recognize:

* * *


At five, I wanted to believe in ghosts.

A man who had lived in my room, my parents told me, was caught in a storm on the lake, hair now standing shocked for eternity. But Wisconsin summers when the thunder marched in, hushing the thrum of crickets, the lightning was ridiculous as a flashbulb, like the moon throwing a surprise party, but too dumb to know when to stop yelling <em>Surprise</em>.

Then this game, ghosts adorable as orphans, raveling clothes and blue eyes lolling around their big heads. Stammering through blank alleys at night.

O Inky, Pinky, Blinky, and Clyde: Who is God? What is death? Where is Wisconsin? Are you my mother?

A farm was a mile away by bike, corn and cows. I wanted to keep touching that electric fence.

* * *

And the new Poet Laureate of Wisconsin debuted, Max Garland, a former mail carrier.

You can read more about him and experience some of his poems here:

All reaffirming to me that I need to get out there more… Poetry lives!